View IMDB ratings on Netflix

View IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic ratings on Netflix, Prime Video etc. Find best movies. Discover popular genres. Filter out low rated movies.

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Show IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings

Trim shows IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings of all movies and TV shows on Netflix, Prime Video, Disney Plus, etc. To help you decide what to watch.

Show rating details

Move your mouse over an IMDB rating to see how many votes it has. Click it to view that item on Similarly, move over a Rotten Tomatoes rating to see both tomato meter and audience score.

Enable Metacritic score

Since version 6.21 Trim also supports Metacritic score. We disable the Metacritic score by default. You can enable it from the embedded menu.

Filter out low-rated movies and shows

Trim can fade out low-rated Netflix movies and shows. Based on their IMDB rating, Rotten Tomatoes audience score, release year, or IMDB popularity. So you can focus on those high-quality ones.

Show more popular genres

Since version 6.23 Trim lets users browse more Netflix genres. In the genre dropdown list on the movie page or the shows page — for example, Oscar-winning films, Emmy-winning series, etc.

Show best movies or shows

With Trim you can view the best movies or TV shows of a genre in the grid view. By clicking the "best" button on top. You can also sort the results by release date, popularity, alphabetical order, etc.

Hide movies or shows

With Trim you can click the "Not interested" button when viewing a movie or TV show. That item will then disappear from your UI. It will disappear even after you reload the page.

Report a wrong match on Netflix

If you find a wrong match on Netflix, either the IMDB rating or the Rottentomatoes rating, you can now report it on the detailed page of that movie, by providing the right URL.

Watch Netflix in Picture-In-Picture mode

Watch your Netflix video in a floating window which is always on top, while you are doing something else in the background. The Picture-In-Picture window can be dragged to any part of the screen.

Limit access to Netfix

Trim works on Netflix, PrimeVideo, Disney+ and many other streaming services. You can limit its access to only Netflix by right clicking the extension icon and setting "This Can Read and Change Site Data" to "On".